Below you’ll find Asbjørn Ulsberg’s public repositories on GitHub.
- .htaccess: High performance drop-in .htaccess file for your site
- aqua: A website and user system (Hapi/React/Flux)
- arana: Araña is a simple web testing library
- args: Command line argument parser for .NET
- Asbjørn Ulsberg's homepage
- Asbjørn Ulsberg's GitHub Pages
- AspNetCore: ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform .NET framework for building modern cloud-based web applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux.
- atom-editor-settings: Atom package to add support for editor settings per-language, file extension and directory.
- AutoMapper: A convention-based object-object mapper in .NET.
- AutoMapper website
- AutomaticPackageRestoreMigrationScript: to help you move to automatic nuget package restore
- awesome-dotnet: A collection of awesome .NET libraries, tools, frameworks and software
- brew: :beer: The missing package manager for OS X
- cake: Cake (C# Make) is a cross platform build automation system.
- cecil: Cecil is a library to generate and inspect programs and libraries in the ECMA CIL form.
- chai-docs: The website source code. Contributions welcome.
- com.occulkot.Freesound.xrnx: Renoise Freesound Plugin
- common-logging: A portable logging abstraction for .NET
- CommonMark.NET: Implementation of CommonMark specification in C# for converting Markdown documents to HTML. Optimized for maximum performance and portability.
- corefxlab: This repo is for experimentation and exploring new ideas that may or may not make it into the main corefx repo.
- demozoo: the best demoscene website in the world.
- dependabot-core: Automated dependency management for Ruby, JavaScript, Python, PHP and Java
- Dick: Killing your shit
- digitalassetlinks:
- docker-runit-test:
- docs-travis-ci-com: The Travis CI Documentation
- dotfiles: :wrench: .files, including ~/.osx — sensible hacker defaults for OS X
- dotfiles-old: My own dotfiles
- dotless: .NET Port of the ruby Less CSS lib
- dpi: dpi love - Easily find the DPI/PPI of any screen
- drywall: A website and user system (Express/Backbone)
- elasticsearch-definitive-guide: The Definitive Guide to Elasticsearch
- EntityFramework: Microsoft's recommended data access technology for new applications in .NET.
- envsubst: Go package emulates bash environment variable substitution
- fluent-nhibernate: Fluent NHibernate!
- FluentValidation: A small validation library for .NET that uses a fluent interface and lambda expressions for building validation rules.
- flufforama: Flufforama: Instant Fluffy Gratification — Delivered!
- fluid-user-scripts: Single-site browsers for Inbox by Google and Facebook Messenger with dock badges and notification center support
- from-source-to-production-with-ease: From Source To Production With Ease
- generator-reveal: Yeoman generator for Reveal.js
- get-better-with-all-things-git: Get Better With All Things Git
- git2svg: git2svg is a Node.js application that displays the graph of a Git repository as an SVG drawing with D3.js.
- GitReleaseNotes: Easily generate release notes
- GitTools.Core: Core library for all git tools
- GitTools.Testing: Makes working with test git repositories super easy!
- GitVersion: Easy Semantic Versioning ( for projects using Git
- google-font-installer: Download and install Google Web Fonts on your local machine. Both CLI and API available.
- grammatica: Grammatica is a C# and Java parser generator (compiler compiler)
- Heracles.ts: Reference implementation of a Hydra client in TypeScript
- homebrew-cask: A CLI workflow for the administration of Mac applications distributed as binaries
- homebrew-core: :beers: Core formulae for the Homebrew package manager
- horn_src: The hornget source code
- http-parser-net: Managed .NET wrapper for http-parser (node.js http parser)
- http-request-id: The Internet Draft for the HTTP Request-Id Header Field
- hydra-core:
- hypermedia: This is my research area for hypermedia
- I-D: My Internet-Drafts
- IronJS: IronJS - A Javascript implementation for the DLR
- jaml: JavaScript Haml
- A JSON-LD processor for .NET.
- json2md: Converts JSON exports from Movable Type to Markdown
- kart: Compocase for the AI programming competition at The Gathering 2015
- lua-resty-openidc: Lua implementation to make NGINX operate as an OpenID Connect RP or OAuth 2.0 RS using the Lua extension scripting features ( which are for instance part of OpenResty (
- luagit2: Lua bindings for libgit2
- m-r: Simple CQRS example
- Mandrill-dotnet: .NET wrapper for Mandrill
- manos: Manos is an easy to use, easy to test, high performance web application framework that stays out of your way and makes your life ridiculously simple.
- markdown-resume: Generate a responsive CSS3 and HTML5 resume with Markdown, with optional PDF output.
- MiniProfiler: A simple but effective mini-profiler for ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET and Ruby.
- mono: Mono open source ECMA CLI, C# and .NET implementation.
- monodevelop: MonoDevelop is a cross platform IDE mostly aimed at Mono/.NET developers
- movable_type_format: Movable Type import / export format parser and builder for Ruby.
- Nancy: A Sinatra inspired web framework for the .NET platform. Be sure to checkout the Wiki for information on how to contribute!
- Nancy.Bootstrappers.StructureMap: Nancy bootstrapper for the StructureMap container
- Nancy.Rdf: RDF responses for Nancy
- ndcoslo2017: Training repository for NDC Oslo 2017
- Newtonsoft.Json: Json.NET is a popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET
- nhibernate-core: NHibernate Object Relational Mapper
- nhibernate-core-testcase: Simple test framework to submit bugs for NHibernate 3.2+
- - Node.js implemented in Javascript on the .NET runtime
- nrkfs: Get access to NRK as a filesystem.
- NSubstitute: A friendly substitute for .NET mocking frameworks.
- NuGetGallery: The NuGet Gallery
- nunit: NUnit 3.0 framework, engine and console runner
- nunit-console: NUnit Console runner and test engine
- NUnit.System.Linq: Partial implementation of System.Linq for use with NUnit's .NET 2.0 builds
- OctoRabbit: RabbitMQ Client for Octopus Deploy
- openrasta-caching: Caching package for OpenRasta
- openrasta-core: OpenRasta core libraries
- openrasta-stable: The openrasta repository
- PayEx.Checkout.Documentation: The documentation for PayEx Checkout
- Pinta: Simple Gtk# Paint Program
- pir-kjerneprogram: Kjerneprogram for Piratpartiet Norge
- plantuml: Plantuml package for Atom Text Editor
- prefer-push-prototype: Prototype of the Prefer-Push header in Node.js
- PSRabbitMq: PowerShell module to send and receive messages from a RabbitMq server
- rabbitmq-dotnet-client: RabbitMQ .NET client
- rabbitmq-website: Source files for
- raven-csharp: Raven is a C# client for Sentry (
- ravendb: A linq enabled document database for .NET
- restful-routing: A rails inspired restful routing api for asp .net mvc
- RnsGit.xrnx: Ruby script that wraps calls to git and 7z to manage versioing of Renoise song files.
- roundhouse: RoundhousE is a Database Migration Utility for .NET using sql files and versioning based on source control
- schismtracker: an oldschool sample-based music composition tool
- the internet home page for Schism Tracker on the world wide web
- SecondReality: Source code and data of Second Reality by Future Crew in 1993
- SentryAppender: Uses log4net to send errors to Sentry (
- ServiceStack.Text: .NET's fastest JSON, JSV and CSV Text Serializers
- Sex: Ruby Regular Expression Helper Gem
- sex_it_up: Replace your boring place-holder images with beautiful public domain images of history's greatest artwork and sculptures.
- Sharp-Architecture: S#arp Architecture: ASP.NET MVC Best Practices with NHibernate
- Sharp-Architecture-Contrib: This is the contrib project for the S#arp Architecture framework. This project provides additional functionality and alternative approaches to delivering solutions on S#arp projects. Project led by Tom Cabanski.
- shouldly: Should testing for .net - the way Asserting *Should* be!
- Signing: Components for creating and verifying cryptographic signatures of files and NuGet Packages.
- snake:
- spark: Spark is a view engine for ASP.NET MVC and Castle Project MonoRail frameworks. The idea is to allow the html to dominate the flow and any code to fit seamlessly.
- structuremap: A Dependency Injection/Inversion of Control tool for .NET
- website
- Submerged-Temple: Simulator for running artificial intelligence from different programming languages. This is the source code for a simulator used in the "Hardcore programming" compo at The Gathering 2010.
- test: Test
- Uglify.NET: UglifyJS executed with IronJS on .NET
- UglifyJS: JavaScript parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier library for NodeJS
- Umbraco-5-Localization: Umbraco 5 Localization Contribution.
- UriTemplateString: Some C# structure for URI Templates
- vpnc: client for ipsec (cisco/juniper) vpn concentrator
- WaveSabre: Official WaveSabre repository
- webconcepts: Web Concepts: Concepts that matter for the surface of the Web.
- website: AppVeyor CI public website.
- website-1: The Cake website.
- wiki: Simple Wiki using Textile syntax
- WordPressExportConverter: Transforms WordPress export files to ease transfer between WordPress accounts.
- wp-postratings: Adds an AJAX rating system for your WordPress blog's post/page.
- wuhu: Lightweight Party Management System
- YamlDotNet: YamlDotNet is a .NET library for YAML
- YAXLib: Yet Another XML Serialization Library for the .NET Framework